The Doe Report -
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Item #: exh81977d
This medical exhibit is an anterior silhouette view from the neck to the waist of an African American female. The lungs, ribcage, diaphragm, liver and kidneys are shown. In the right thoracic cavity has 1300 cc of serosanguinous fluid that is represented in a pinkish color. Beside the illustration are three inserts demonstrating a thoracentesis procedure. The first is a lateral view and shows the figure from the neck to just above the waist. The skin is drawn semi-transparently so that the ribs, liver and a kidney are visible. Also, pinkish serosanguinous fluid is visible beneath the skin. Hands are shown placing a thoracentesis catheter below the eighth rib. The second insert is an enlarged cutaway view of the chest wall where a thoracentesis needle is being inserted just above the rib. The third insert is an enlargement of the first insert and focuses on thoracentesis catheter. Arrows show the direction of fluid as it is withdrawn during the procedure.
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Item #: exh81977d — Source #: 1
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